The Business

The history and the various business versions go back to the year 1974.
Currently operating as Locksmith Trader Pty Ltd trading as Crocodile Lock.
In the locksmith industry much is woven into the individual. You cannot just transfer a business to another person and expect the depth of knowledge to be part of the transaction.

This LOK4 website is a National Database of Locksmiths and promotes their various skills and provides a means for customers to find a real locksmith near to where they live. This database has been built over very many years and, in a world gone mad, there are many scams and crooks who pretend to be locksmiths. It can be very hard to know a scammer from a real well-trained tradesman.

Any business you find here is a legitimate business and has trained personnel.

The Owner

My name is Eric Higgs and I began as a locksmith in Ringwood Victoria in 1974. There I completed an apprenticeship in Toolmaking with Repco and these skills flowed seamlessly into the art of locksmithing.

The businesses grew and changed with various partners and associates over the years and reached a crossroads in 1990 when I sold out and moved to Queensland.
In Victoria I was well involved with the Master Locksmiths Association and served on the committee there. I was for some years a Victorian Director of the association. After my move to Queensland I became similarly involved in Master Locksmith committees and served also as a Queensland Director of the association. In Brisbane the company grew, and I again sold out in 2003 to move to my current business activity.

I currently manage the Energex Meter Reading system basically as a wholesaler to the locksmiths in South East Queensland, and also manage direct sales through my Crocodile Lock website.

So, while this is a dry read, I would point out the depth of experience I bring to my various activities. My wife Margaret and I operate on the Sunshine Coast but are linked by post and courier to our customer base throughout Australia.

Always happy to talk to you if you think I might be able to help.